Friday, July 4, 2014

I am a fairy Godmother (part 1)

  While waiting on some great pics to document Layton's first generation heirloom christening gown story, I decided to get started on my part one of two posts about being a fairy Godmother. :)

I am a Godmother to Katie, Annie, Oliver and Luke. All of which are very special to me. We have a spiritual connection, you might say. But I am a Fairy Godmother to only one young lady, my sister's daughter, Danya. Our relationship is spiritual, with a touch of magic!

It all began in 1986. Here we are at her Christening.

Talk about a trendy look! Yes, that is me, with the big hair, big glasses and shoulder pads! Everything was big in the 80's! If you can get past all of that, there in my arms, all dressed in white, is my freshly baptized Goddaughter, Danya. A little side note here, the dress she is wearing was worn again on Danya's sister 11 years later, but originally purchased in 1962 by my sister's Godmother for her Christening. I love heirlooms, a little nod to those who came before, a way to remember special people and moments from the past.

The years go by so quickly! son turned 1! But it wouldn't have been a party without Danya : )

Here we are at her first communion.

Her dress was made by her mom, with a little sisterly guidance from me. I remember her visits throughout the project fondly. Every stitch of that dress was done with great love. I think it was about this time Danya started referring to me as her "fairy Godmother". She refers to me still today this way, and I try to live up to the title.

And more years go by.....


a few more years go by and then....

The day of all days arrive!

Danya, once again will wear a gown of white. This time she stands at the alter with her prince charming by her side. And this time, her fairy Godmother gets to make the dress...

these are pictures from a scrapbook my sister made for me. I just love them : )
Danya had tried on a few gowns and found one that she especially liked. She took me to see it and she of course looked gorgeous in it! But she said it just wasn't quite right. I asked what she liked about the dress and she said the skirt (which was layers of ripped tulle) reminded her of feathers. So I said "how about if I make you a gown with a skirt of real feathers?"
She said okay (probably a bit concerned about looking like a duck!) and the design process began!
It was so much fun and Danya was such a great sport with all of my fittings and trials and errors.

She was the most beautiful bride.

Oh, and a little something even more special about this gown...

It had two skirts! One for the wedding with a beautiful fluttery train, the other just to the floor... no bustling needed and she could dance the night away. I made a little secret band of Velcro attached to the lining of the bodice. Each skirt had it's own band with the other half of the Velcro on it. When the ceremony was over, the skirt with the train was "ripped" off and the skirt without the train was secured on ; ) that's what you call custom designed!

Here she is with her flower girl, also a Dona Lynn designed dress.

One last picture...


It was a fun day, one that I will always remember, but I have been having fun with this girl since 1986! Part two is still to come, so please keep watching for my next post.
If you would like to see more of Danya's gown as well as my other completed projects, visit my website at

"He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." Psalms 91:4

Until next time.....